Updated Class Outlines
Homework and Critique Viewing Links
Critique Assignment
Links for Viewing Bellydance Performances
Howard Community College Bellydance Practicum
Spring 2010 meets every Friday from 3-?pm
Spring 2010 Syllabus PDF
Class I: February 5th
Class II: February 12th
Cheapest Scimitar options (props can be provided for in-class if you prefer not to purchase your own):
Balady Scimitar $44.95
Iberia Scimitar $99.95
Moorish Scimitar $39.95
Inspirational Clip of the Week:
Egads can Zoe perform
Performance Opportunity for Individual Project Consideration:
Belly Horror October 22nd , Trailer from 2009 Proposals will be accepted until April 1, 2010.
Class III:
Class IV:
Listen to clip of Beladi rhythm and attempt to tap along with it. More information about all the basic Middle Eastern rhythms, their simple and filled-in sounds can be found here for those who may be interested.
Class V:
Class VI:
Class VII:
Class VIII:
Class IX:
Class X:
Class XI:
Class XII:
Class XIII:
Class XIV:
Kateri, belly dancer, bellydancer,
belly dance, belly, dance, dancer, D.C., DC, Washington, Marrakesh Moroccan
Restaurant, Zeeba Lounge, Middle Eastern Dancers